Sunday, April 4, 2010

Spring Break

So the week started with Kiesan upset because he did not get to go fishing. The girls and I just pretty much hung out all weekend and did some spring cleaning. I gave in and let Trevan stay out to Salmon until Friday. He came home looking like a big dirt clot!! He also didn't smell too good. He had caught a lot of fish and looked tired.

We were coloring Easter eggs with Sharee and her kids, they all had a good time and looked like little Easter eggs themselves. Poor little Londyn was not feeling very good. Logan spent the night with the kids, and I woke to all of them playing hide and seek with a squirt gun. Whoever was "it" had the squirt gun, and got to shoot them with water when they found some one. They had a great time!!
We were rudely awaken this morning by all 4 of the kids at 6:30 to go Easter egg hunting. So we were off. The bubble machine was a huge hit with all of them, but I'm not sure how my carpet is gonna hold up. It's pretty wet. They watched Alvin & the Chipmunks the squeakquel all day. Then we headed up to mom & dad's for a turkey dinner. Gotta love it when mom cooks!! Yummy!

Now back to a crazy normal life.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Crazy Sunday

Sunday we went to lunch with Grandma Kathy and all the girls. We went to the Olive Garden, Morgan, Tierra, and myself. The boys stayed home and worked on the new swing set that is badly needed. Our little $100 swing set has seen its time with the Niederer's. It has been well loved and well used. Morgan ran into it last summer with the 4 wheeler, and it has been toppsy-turvy ever since. We all had a good day and was looking forward to a quiet evening at home. My dad called Kev and Trev and had decided to go to Salmon that night instead of Monday morning. So they got ready and left us. Well, poor Kiesan was a little angry about the entire thing, because he wanted to go fishing, too!! He stood by the door and cried for his daddy in the doorway for 45 minutes!! Little turd.
Needless to say, Trevan caught the first fish on Monday morning! Kevan finally caught his first steel-head! The girls and I stayed home on Monday and just hung out!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

National Cheer Competition in Salt Lake City

We left for SLC on Friday. We had to be at the Salt Palace at 8:00 a.m. hair done and make up on. Much to my horror, we were trying to get the girls ready and could not find the hair stuff or make-up bag in any of our bags. I knew that it was in there when I packed. So the morning did not get off to a great start, but thank goodness for the other moms, they saved our bacon. Got the girls hair done, wigs and all, and one of the cheer moms did their make-up. Each of the girls performed once, and then they narrowed it down to 1st and 2nd, and those 2 teams had to go another round. Tierra's team performed, and half of them forgot to tumble this time, but still took 1st!! Morgan's team only had one other team in their division so, unfortunately, they did not get an opportunity to redo their performance. Morgan was very distraught with not getting 1st, but the good news is they only missed it by 1/2 a point. She really wanted to bring home a Championship jacket. All the teams that took 1st got these jackets. What she doesn't realize, is they were so amazing, the other team were 2-3 years older than them, and like 2 times the size of their team. It's incredible that they can even compete in this division. I wish I could express how absolutely incredible these cheer teams are. After awards, we went to lunch with Todd and then went back to the hotel to swim. Todd finished with his meeting and then we went to dinner. Yes, we ate a lot. Todd and Trevan left to come back to Idaho, and believe it or not, we went back to the hotel for some more swim time. My kids are like fish. The girls had a couple of kids from the team that they spent the entire time in the pool-cheering. We had a great weekend!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Trevan and Kiesan what a couple of nuts!! Trevan is growing so fast and becoming a little man. He is so sweet how he is always worrying about his younger brothers and sisters. We decided that since he loves Jason Aldean that we would get tickets to his concert on March 21. Trevan is so excited to go. Kiesan is growing like a weed, and for some reason thinks that beating up on his siblings is okay. He has been showing signs of interest in being a big boy and wanting to potty in the big potty. I love my boys and am excited to be able to watch them grow both physically and mentally. We are looking forward to the summer to do some fun things as a family.

Tierra's Big Week

This week has been crazy, Tierra is Special person at preschool this week. She also had Kindergarten Round up. We got all of that taken care of and now we are packing to go to Cheer Nationals in Salt Lake. We are leaving on Friday after school, and are excited for the girls to go and show their stuff. It is amazing what they learn and how much coordination it gives to them. I am so proud of both Morgan and Tierra for what they have accomplished in their short little lives. They amaze me.