Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Week I resigned as a mother!

To Start my early morning off: Kiesan had found the hair shaver and decided to give himself a little trim! This is how it looked when he was done. After I got this little mess cleaned up, I needed to go and get in the shower, Tierra had stayed home from school sick, and the two of them wanted to stay downstairs and play cars on the car mat. After I was out of the shower: Tierra came walking up the stairs to let me know that there was a fire in our house. At this point, it had not quite registered. When I came down the stairs, the toaster was on fire! Kiesan had decided to make himself some toast. Apparently, it wasn't quite done enough for him, so he kept pushing it down. The fire was working on my cabinet, thankfully no one was hurt and I had a fire extinguisher. So here is the damage. I was slightly frustrated, and my sweet husband was busy at work, so couldn't come home. I called my dad and couldn't quit crying. Needless to say, he came down to give me some support. I really love my kids, but on this special day, I was feeling like I just didn't like them too much. Thank goodness my dad came down and just handled the kids for a while, so I could get myself together. Never in my life have I been so scared. Good news, I like my kids again, and don't know what I would do without them. To motherhood--the part of life that gives us reason to wake up and keep going everyday!

The front of the cupboard.
The inside of the cupboard. Poor little Kiesan followed me around saying, "I love you, mama!"
Now that I think about it, it was really sweet. I wonder if he will remember this experience later on in his life!

Sunday, February 27, 2011